Swisse High Strength Organic Spirulina is a superfood packed with nutrients to support wellbeing.
Swisse High Strength Organic Spirulina 200 Tab supports normal energy production and immune function
Organic High Strength Spirulina is a green superfood rich in vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients in a convenient tablet form. It can be taken daily or in conjunction with a healthy detox to support general health and wellbeing.
Benefits of High Strength Organic Spirulina:
– Is a wholefood as it is a source of chlorophyll, thiamine, iron, vitamins B6 & B12, selenium, vitamin K and antioxidants
– Helps reduce tiredness and fatigue by supporting energy production
– Aids with a healthy bone structure
– Gives immune support
– Antioxidants protect against free radicals
– Is a great source of chlorophyll, the green pigment responsible for energy production in plants
Adults – take three tablets daily. The nutrition and benefits can be obtained in one serve (3 tablets). Up to 3 serves can be taken daily to boost nutrition further.
Organic Spirulina powder (98.5%), silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.
Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Swisse Quest
In the late 1960s, our founder Kevin Ring set off on a Quest to explore the world in search of nutrient rich ingredients gifted by nature. His journey led him to the furthest corners of the globe and on an infinite trail of discovery and innovation. Be inspired by Kevin's Quest for inspiration. One that we are honoured to continue today.
Australia's No. 1 Multivitamin Brand as verified by Nielsen & IQVIA, RMS/Sell Out Service, Vitamins Minerals & Supplements, Australia Pharmacy and Grocery, Total Value Sales, MAT to 31/08/2021.
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